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December 20, 2009
Avatar by *patrickbrown - Exceptional art with great timing! Such an amazing movie!
Featured by archanN
Suggested by Butch007
PatrickBrown's avatar




Wow just in time, today's the day James Cameron's new movie AVATAR screens in cinema's! I've been waiting along time for this, SO KEEN :woohoo:

I really enjoyed making this one, it's pretty different to my usual stuff. I'm a bit of a fan of the Sci-fi/Adventure movies or games! This movie struck me when I saw the trailer, reminded me of Abe's Odyssey for some reason.

The background took me the longest in this, I'm not used to creating jungles, I did have to search for a few references to look at and just put my own style to it.. I love the style of the environments in the movie ;)

Anyways enjoy, and go see this movie!

- Took about 10-12 hours
- Done in Photoshop CS3
- Used a Wacom Graphics Tablet

Image size
1200x849px 845.05 KB
© 2009 - 2024 PatrickBrown
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Yutobital7's avatar

This is so marvellous!